Hello world!

This is the conventional first program that you write when learning a new programming language. It's a simple program that prints the text Hello, world! to the console.

Navigate to the pieces/hello_world directory in the repo to get started.


The file main.py has just one line of code:

print("Hello, world!")

The program is run as follows:

python main.py


The file main.rs has just three lines of code:

fn main() {
    println!("Hello, world!");

The program is run via cargo:

cargo run


Hello, world!


Rust's println! is similar to Python's print function, but it's a macro, not a function. It simply prints the standard output to the console followed by a newline character.

Macros are a powerful Rust feature that allow you to write code that writes other code. We'll see more examples of macros in later pieces, but for now, it's enough to know that in Rust, macros are invoked with an exclamation mark ! at the end of their name.